Lent Resources

What comes to mind when you think of Lent? As the DIG Gardeners thought ahead to the season of Lent at a recent meeting, we all had similar experiences with a focus on what to give up and making the decision of what it should be. While this season in the Christian calendar is a solemn and thoughtful journey to the cross, our hope is that while you may choose to give up various different things in your life, that the space created will give you time to add communication with God, focus on following Jesus, fellowship with family, creating faith memories with your children and all that God has for you in this season.

No matter where you and your family find yourselves at the start of this season of Lent, it is a time to journey to the cross and Jesus’ resurrection, to hope for the here-and-now and for our eternal home, to prepare our hearts and minds and to acknowledge our need for the Savior!

Here are a few resources for various stages of life that you and your family could use during this season.


  • Living the Christian Year: Time to inhabit the story of God by Bobby Gross

    As a church we are focusing on the Christian Calender this year with this book as a good reference. Whether you're familiar or unfamiliar with following the liturgical year, this book makes it easy to do, offering here the significance and history of each season, ideas for living out God's Story in your own life, and devotions that follow the church calendar for each day of the year.

  • Teach Us To Pray

    This resources provides scripture-centered family worship through the year, with hands on activities, song suggestions and prayers.

  • Good Dirt: Lent, Holy Week & Eastertide

    Aptly titled for DIG families, this second volume, Lent, Holy Week & Eastertide has seasonal activities and readings through guide families through a journey with Jesus in his life, death, and resurrection as he invites us to follow him as his disciples.

  • Make Room: A Child’s Guide to Lent and Easter by Laura Alary

    A great book that explains for young ones the meaning and the way of Lent as a time to prepare to celebrate Easter.  For preschoolers and up

  • Jesus Storybook Bible Lent Guide by Sally Lloyd Jones

    A 40 day Lent guide, reading plan and activity kit specifically for children corresponding with the Jesus Storybook Bible.

  • Mission Accomplished by Scott James

    The devotion is to be used a week prior and after Easter and includes scripture, questions, prayers, hymns to sing, and family activities.  For elementary aged children and older.

Family Activities

The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross by Carl Laferton

A great pre-Easter read, this picture book explains the problem of sin and God’s redemptive plan. Brightly illustrated, for children PreK and up. Based on this book is an interactive calendar for Easter featuring 15-doors to open for the weeks leading up to Easter Sunday.

Celebrating Christ From The Cradle to the Cross

This unique, carved wooden Lent ( and Advent) calendar spiral makes for an unforgettable family tradition. Your wreath can be used with the Lent: Celebrating Christ From The Cradle to the Cross. devotional, woven with the names of Jesus.